Art Fur Charity

Art Fur Charity is a monthly project that Avenue Animal Wellness + Emergency has started to allow children and young adults in our community to contribute to helping animals in need such as those living in shelters and rescues. Each month, a school, camp, or youth program is asked to donate three to six paintings and/or drawings of small animals or pets. These paintings will be chosen by the instructors of the program and will be sent to AAW+E to be put up for display and sale. 100% of the profit that these paintings generate will be donated to a shelter or rescue of the student or organization’s choosing. Art Fur Charity is a great way to introduce children to the power that their charitable contributions can have in their own neighborhoods. Come take part and make a difference in an animal's life by purchasing a piece or art or contacting us about an organization that may want to participate in this community outreach project. Thank you for your consideration and support.